Vinnie Classroom is hosting a collection drive for our migrant workers! 📣
Last week, we put up an almost brand-new kettle for sale on Carousell. Joann, who volunteers with a local NGO ItsRainingRaincoats, approached us and asked if we could donate the kettle instead.
We thought it was a fab idea. The kettle will not bring us considerable wealth, so why not donate it to someone who could really use a bit more warmth in a country that’s not his home?
Joann said the workers would come and pick up the kettle. All the way for one kettle. How could we make them come all the way just to collect one inexpensive kettle right?
So if you have any of the following items in brand new or good, working condition that you would like to spare, please bring them to us before 24 October. We will gather the items so the workers can make a more worthwhile collection trip after a long day under the hot, scorching sun.
It’s the least we can do for the people who toil for us, on our behalf, to build us our homes and infrastructure. ❤️

Items for collection drive