Keyboard Lessons for Adults

Have you experienced signing up for keyboard lessons for adults in Singapore but ended up learning children’s pieces? This is a classic storyline we heard way too many times. While there are adults who wish to play those beautiful Bach or Beethoven pieces, some prefer Elton John or Billy Joel! The basic of the black and white is the same for both Pop and Classical pieces but the approach and style is vastly different. We understand that and our adult keyboard students usually get the results they desire as they progress through lessons.

The keyboard is also more than just a digital piano, it has thousands of sound patches to choose from! This means the keyboardist can be taking up the role of the pipe organ or backing a song as the string ensemble. At times, the keyboardist can also be found mimicking an acoustic guitar or taking over the seat of the drummer. For those who are keen to go beyond the black and white notes, exploring this huge sound map is definitely the way to go!

keyboard lessons for adults

More than just an examination

Another reason why adults stop attending their keyboard classes is because of the miscommunication and unmatched expectations. As an adult, we usually lack the capacity to learn something from the ground up. We want to learn and achieve things at a faster pace. We want results. While most music teachers will drag you into the examination route, we understand this is not the way to go. Demanding scales and exercises are still necessary to get someone good on the instrument but it can be done in a different approach. Goals and direction must match between the student and the teacher. That way, you as student will benefit most out of the lessons.

With our annual recital and performance opportunity, our adult keyboard lessons students achieve more satisfaction through performing. Students who achieve a certain standard will also be invited to do a video recording. While we do offer keyboard examination under ANZCA and Rockschool, we emphasize more on having fun on the instrument by performance.

We are serious about our exam syllabus too!

ANZCA Examination SyllabusMore than just adopting a syllabus, we’ve adopted the entire community! Vinnie Classroom has conducted workshops and refreshers for piano teachers in Singapore. Our last seminar “ANZCA Piano Syllabus 2019” was well received with full house attendance.

These seminars aid teachers to understand their students’ requirements and the teaching syllabus better. In turn, ensuring your weekly lessons are more worthwhile!


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More Video Proof of our successful keyboard lessons for adults!

If a picture paints a thousand words, a video is worth a million! Together with strong teaching pedagogies, and experienced, patient teachers, we are able to consistently help dreamers realize their potential. We have too many videos and cannot share them all on this page, so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and view all our other amazing pianists!

Are you tempted but unsure if you should take the leap of faith?

Consider taking a Trial Lesson with us! I am sure with our decade-long experience, we will be of valuable help to you. Contact us through these easy channels! 🙂