Well-thought-out programs for all !

Apart from our regular programs, we craft and conduct music modules for different walks of life. The positive feedback we get from these projects motivates us to create even better program syllabus.

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Corporate Program

Team Building, Bonding and Recreation! Playing music together promotes stronger cohesiveness and mutual understanding!

MOE AMIS Program

Arts and Music Instructor Scheme has been our forte for the past 5 years! We have taught and reached out to more than 40,000 happy students so far!

Social Outreach Programs

We believe that music can transform lives because it is a great motivator for people to get out and do something! So we are doing our part for the community, to ensure no one is left behind.

NAC AEP Endorsed Programs

We have programs endorsed by the National Arts Council – Arts Enrichment Program. This means a 50% grant from Tote Board for organisations that sign up to Vinnie Classroom!

Corporate Music Workshops

A bonding session for an organisation need not necessarily have to be bowling or buffet! It can be a little more meaningful than that. At Vinnie Classroom, we run music crash courses which are a good alternative for company team bonding sessions. Musicians in a band do not work alone. They require a certain level of telepathic skill to anticipate other band members in order to perform well together and be stronger as a team. That is the magic of being in a band!

Through learning simple instruments such as the ukulele or cajon, participants will get to understand and appreciate the level of dedication and hardwork professional musicians put into their music. It also raises morale within the company, and encourages trust and team-building!

Our corporate programs are not based on a fixed lesson plan and can be tailored to suit individual organisations. Email us at hello@vinnieclassroom.com to discuss how we can create the best experience for you and your company!

  • 2-hours program!
  • We have our line of customizable Kalimba! Chat with us!
  • Coverage of basic techniques
  • History and culture of the Kalimba
  • Parts of the Kalimba
  • Participants will learn to read Kalimba tabs
  • Participants will learn a minimum of 2-3 songs
  • Preparation for simple group performance for colleagues
  • 2-hour program!
  • Ukulele available on loan
  • Ukulele available for sale after program at a great discount!
  • Coverage of basic chords, including C G Am F
  • History and culture of the ukulele
  • Parts of the ukulele
  • Participants will learn to read chord diagram and songsheets
  • Participants will learn a minimum of 2-3 songs
  • Preparation for simple group performance for colleagues
  • 2-hours program!
  • Participants will require to bring their own guitar
  • Guitar available for sale after program with great discount!
  • Coverage of basic chords, including G D Em C
  • History and culture of the guitar
  • Parts of the guitar
  • Participants will learn to read chord diagram and songsheet
  • Participants will learn a minimum of 2-3 songs
  • Preparation for a simple group performance for collegues
  • 2-hours program!
  • Cajón available on loan
  • Coverage of basic technique, Bass & Treble
  • History and culture of the cajón
  • Parts of the cajón
  • Participants will develop a strong ability in reading rhythmic notation
  • Exposure to basic and useful rhythm patterns
  • Participants will learn to groove to pop songs
  • Preparation for a simple group performance for collegues
  • 2-hours program!
  • Coverage of recording and mixing technique
  • History and culture of music recording
  • Participants will develop a better understanding about recorded music
  • Participants will be exposed to the role of a studio recording engineer
  • Learn how to use Garageband’s Smart Drum, Guitar, Bass, Strings and Key
  • Compose a short original song!
  • Experiment on jamming with colleagues using the Garageband’s instruments
  • Preparation for a simple groupperformance for collegues
  • or showcase original composition!
  • Set your own preferred duration!
  • Choose your ideal instrument(s)!
  • Decide on the topic of interest!
  • Set desired outcome(s)!
  • Achieve a more specific result!
Free Kalimba Song Book
team bonding workshop singapore

MOE AMIS Music Programs

  • 8-hour program, each lesson 1 hour long
  • Coverage of basic chords, including C G Am F
  • History and culture of the ukulele
  • Parts of the ukulele
  • Students will learn to read chord diagram and song sheets
  • Students will learn a minimum of 2-3 songs
  • Assessment
  • Preparation for performance
  • 2-hours program!
  • We have our line of customizable Kalimba! Chat with us!
  • Coverage of basic techniques
  • History and culture of the Kalimba
  • Parts of the Kalimba
  • Participants will learn to read Kalimba tabs
  • Participants will learn a minimum of 2-3 songs
  • Preparation for simple group performance for colleagues
Free Kalimba Song Book
  • 8hrs program, each lesson 1hr
  • Coverage of basic chords, including G D Em C
  • History and culture of the guitar
  • Parts of the guitar
  • Students will learn to read chord diagram and songsheet
  • Students will learn a minimum of 2-3 songs
  • Assessment
  • Preparation for performance
  • 8hrs program, each lesson 1hr
  • Coverage of basic technique, Bass & Treble
  • History and culture of the cajón
  • Parts of the cajón
  • Students will develop a strong ability in reading rhythmic notation
  • Students will learn a cultural percussion songs
  • Assessment
  • Preparation for performance
  • 8hrs program, each lesson 1hr
  • Coverage of basic technique, Slap Bass Tone
  • History and culture of the djembe
  • Parts of the djembe
  • Students will develop a strong ability in reading rhythmic notation
  • Students will learn a cultural percussion songs
  • Assessment
  • Preparation for performance
  • 8hrs program, each lesson 1hr
  • Coverage of basic percussion playing technique inlcuding Claves, Maracas, Castanet and Tamborine
  • History and culture of the various percussion
  • Students will develop a strong ability in reading rhythmic notation
  • Students will learn a cultural percussion songs
  • Assessment
  • Preparation for performance
  • 8hrs program, each lesson 1hr
  • Coverage of recording and mixing technique
  • History and culture of music recording
  • Students will develop a better understanding about recorded music
  • Students will be exposed to the role of a studio recording engineer
  • Assessment

Vinnie Classroom was established in January 2014 as a provider of music education. Although the name is fairly new to the scene, Vinnie Classroom represents a team of vibrant and dynamic music teachers, all with at least 3 years’ teaching experience under their belt in conducting lessons one-to-one, small group and classroom environments. All our teachers are fully-certified, active practitioners of various music disciplines, and some are performers in their own right. Keeping current so that we are relevant to students of all ages, is serious business to us. That is why we make it a point to have bi-monthly sessions to share our teaching experiences, materials and skills.

"The National Arts Council-Arts Education Programme (NAC-AEP) aims to provide all students with access to quality arts education programmes. The NAC-AEP is a database of specially selected arts education programmes that schools can purchase using an annual grant to subsidise part of the cost. Each year, the NAC-AEP makes available around 800 arts programmes by close to 240 artists and arts groups. The programmes are endorsed by a panel of professional artists and arts educators. The NAC-AEP spans 6 different art forms - Dance, Music, Theatre, Film and Multimedia, Visual Arts and Literary Arts."

"The Tote Board Arts Grant was introduced in 1995 to encourage the development of a vibrant arts culture in schools and promote arts appreciation among students. It subsidises schools' purchase of any programme endorsed under the NAC-AEP."

Source: aep.nac.gov.sg

Guitar Stage 1

With correct teaching techniques, students learn much faster!

Ukulele Stage 1

Using unique technique, we are able to keep our success rate high!

Singing Program

We made them the voice!


African Djembe

We feed the curiousity of students with unique cultures.


Cajon of Peru (Jr)

Students get interactive during lesson! That is how music should be anyway!

Assembly Performance

Vinnie Classroom is currently endorsed by the NAC-AEP for Ukulele Stage 1Guitar Stage 1Singing ProgramAfrican DjembeCajon of PeruCajon of Peru – Junior and Morning Assembly Music Exposure
These programs are available for schools’s purchase from 1 January 2019 to 31 Decemeber 2020.

1) Pre-schools
The Tote Board Arts Grant (“Grant”) is not available to pre-schools. However, the National Arts Council (“NAC”) has partnered selected pre-school centres to receive funding as part of the NACAEP for Pre-School. NAC will periodically revise the list of supported pre-schools eligible to receive the funding and the information will be made available on the NAC-AEP website.
2) MOE Primary and Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, Centralised Institute & ITE Regional Campuses Schools may use the Grant to subsidise the programme cost under the NAC-AEP. Schools in this category are eligible to receive a subsidy of up to 50% of the programme cost.
3) Special Education Schools (SPED) SPED Schools may use the Grant to subsidise the programme cost under the NAC-AEP. Schools in this category are eligible to receive a subsidy of up to 70% of the programme cost.
For more information, visit aep.nac.gov.sg

Social Outreach Programs

Giving back to society is one way for us to live up to our motto of “Empowering the next generation through music”! We do so by providing performances or music lessons! We do our best to reach out to anyone who needs help! You could start with our Free Lesson Materials here!

If your charity organization wishes to engage us, please send an email to hello@vinnieclassroom.com