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Vinnie Classroom x Guitar Emerge at Esplanade

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Vinnie Classroom x Guitar Emerge at Esplanade

Vinnie Classroom recital

esplanade concourse

In line with the Esplanade’s theme for December, “Come Together”, students and teachers of Vinnie Classroom x Guitar Emerge will be performing at the Esplanade concourse on 1st December 2019, from 3.15 pm to 5.45 pm.

The collaboration will see us performing hits from Queen, Ed Sheeran, Earth Wind Fire and more! Catch us next Sunday, as teachers and students, young and old, come together and present songs from past and present!

Esplanade Come Together : Vinnie Classroom and Guitar EmergeEsplanade: Come Together

“1–6 and 10–31 Dec

Celebrate friendships new and old as artists and kindred spirits come together for a time of collaboration, reflection and revelry.

Aside from free live performances every day at the Esplanade Concourse, there will be free shows at the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre every weekend, public holiday and eve of public holidays. Special weekend craft activities and roving performances throughout the centre also await you at Come Together.

Come Together 2018 is held in conjunction with Celebrate in the City. ”

Vinnie Classroom x Guitar Emerge – Combined Band

Vinnie Classroom Guitar EmergeCombine band with students from Vinnie Classroom and Guitar Emerge

Show Time :

3.15 pm to 3.45 pm: Guitar Emerge

4.15pm to 4.45pm: Vinnie Classroom

5.15 pm to 5.45 pm: Combined Band